Ultrasound Scans

Anomaly Scan | 18 -22 weeks 

What is the Anomaly Scan?

The anomaly scan, also known as a mid-pregnancy ultrasound or a fetal anomaly scan, is a crucial examination performed during the second trimester of pregnancy. It is a detailed ultrasound scan that focuses on assessing the baby’s anatomy and identifying any potential structural abnormalities or anomalies.

The anomaly scan is typically conducted between 18 to 22 weeks of gestation when the baby’s organs and body systems have developed enough to be seen clearly on the ultrasound. It is an important screening tool that helps detect and diagnose various structural abnormalities in the baby.

During the scan, a healthcare professional, usually a sonographer, will use an ultrasound machine to examine the baby in detail. They will carefully assess and measure the baby’s head, brain, face, spine, heart, stomach, kidneys, limbs, and other organs. The purpose is to check for any signs of abnormalities or potential issues with the baby’s development.

The anomaly scan aims to identify major structural anomalies, such as heart defects, cleft lip or palate, spinal cord issues, brain abnormalities, or limb deformities. It also helps confirm the normal growth and well-being of the baby, the placement of the placenta, and the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby.

It’s important to note that the anomaly scan is a screening test and not a diagnostic test. If any potential abnormalities or concerns are detected during the scan, further diagnostic tests or consultations with specialists may be recommended to obtain a definitive diagnosis.

The anomaly scan plays a crucial role in providing expectant parents with important information about their baby’s health and well-being. It allows for early detection, appropriate management, and informed decision-making in case any abnormalities are found. The scan is conducted using ultrasound technology, which is non-invasive and generally safe for both the mother and the baby.

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